Motivating Yourself on a Monday Morning

Even as a freelancer, Monday mornings are always the hardest part of the week. Motivating yourself whilst you’re on a post-weekend come down is never easy, but we’ve rounded up our top 5 ways to put the spring back in your step at the beginning of the week. 

  1. Start the day off right. We’re a big fan of establishing morning routines at Wild Imagination, routines that don’t just involve rushing out the door and applying your face on the tube. For some of us that means waking up early enough to fit in a yoga session, and for others it’s simply grabbing five minutes with a cup of tea on the sofa before throwing yourself into a day’s work. Find a way for you to enrich your morning so that when you sit down at your desk to start work, you’ve already done a little something positive for yourself!
  2. Get your plans in order. Know exactly what’s on your Monday morning to do list before you even reach your desk. We like to spend half an hour on a Sunday night planning out our to do lists for the week, so that we can know exactly what Monday is going to throw at us, as much as possible anyway.
  3. Get your playlist right. A little musical motivation can go a long way towards lifting your mood. We are always blasting Katy’s Little Happy Monday playlist to get us in a good mood.
  4. Pick your tasks. Nobody wants to do their tax return at 9am on a Monday. Try and schedule your time so Monday’s can be devoted to tasks you enjoy, so you’re more likely to want to be productive.
  5. Something to look forward to. Your favourite breakfast, an 11am coffee break with a friend, or an early night in with Netflix. Monday’s are much more bearable when you’re working towards a goal.

What are your tips for tackling the Monday morning blues?

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